Practical Complete Blood Count Physiology Manual
Clinical pathology: Complete Blood count GENERAL OBJECTIVE: After finishing lab activity of CBC, the student will be able to describe the CBC in the DMS case problem SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of lab activity of CBC, the student will be able to interprete: - the normal of CBC - the abnormal of CBC Complete Blood Count (CBC) Being part of routine physical examination Help: Providing important information about the kinds and numbers of RBC, WBC and platelet.
1983-1984 Yamaha VMAX VMX540 Snowmobile Service Manual. Note: While we do our best to provide accurate up to date photos, book covers and packaging. This 1983-1984 Yamaha VMAX VMX540 Snowmobile Service Manual is a reproduction of the 1983-1984 Yamaha VMAX VMX540 Snowmobile Service Manual.
This post has already been read 802 times! White blood cells (WBCs) count There are six types of white blood cells circulates in the blood circulation, which are Neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and band cells. White blood cells count is an integral part of complete blood count (CBC), and include two main components: 1- White blood cells count. 2- Differential leucocytes count. Total white blood cells count: There are two methods for counting WBCs: 1) Automated method through the electronic blood cells counter. 2) Manual method using the hemocytometer.
To identify the numbers of different red cells, a blood film is made, and a large number of red cells are counted. The advantage of manual counting is that blood. Complete Blood Count using HMX NHANES 2007-2008 11 V. Procedure for Microscopic Examination. Not Applicable - Do not prepare differential microscopic slides. Reagents and Supplies. The HMX DMS stores and maintains the lot numbers and expiration dates. Reagents, controls and calibrators.
Practical Complete Blood Count Physiology Manual Pdf
Electronic counter is more accurate than the hemocytometer method. The electronic counter is expensive, needs periodical maintenance.
Maintenance of blood counter is very important; failure to do that will result in misleading results. The hemocytometer method takes longer time, but it is cheaper, which make it suitable for a small laboratory. White blood cells count is expressed in Thousand/cumm, or Giga/liter (G/l). Differential leucocytic counts (DLC): Total WBCs count is a measure for the number of all leucocytes in the blood circulation. Total WBCs count alone, can’t be used for interpretation, as it gives no idea about the differential count of the individual cell types. Manual differential leucoytes counts must be done, even if CBC is measured using blood cell counter.
DLC is done by spreading of a drop of blood on a glass slide and staining using Giemsa stain, then the blood film is examined under the oil immersion lense. The percent of the individual cells that obtained from the DLC is called the relative number, which is equal to the percent of different leaucocytes from the total leucocytes count.
It is not advisable to depend on the relative number in the interpretation of leucocytes count. However, it is better to calculate the absolute number, which is obtained by multiplying the relative number of the individual cells (Percent of cell) by the total leucocytes count.