Scala User Manual
PowerSet User Guide. Page 2: Table Of Contents. IMPORTANT: This is version 3.0 of the User Manual. Please note, that our manual is updated periodically on the Cardo website to include the very latest features as well the new options and functions of your new scala rider G4 PowerSet.
Here are our reference manuals about the Scala language: these manuals are available in pdf format, and are typeset for printing. This is the most technical and detailed manual concerning the inner working of the Scala language. If you have any doubts concerning the behavior of a program written in Scala, if you wish to explore all of the most obscure features, or are interested in the expected semantics of the available constructs, this document will address your questions. If you still have doubts after reading this manual, you can ask for further explanations on our. A general, albeit fairly technical, introduction to Scala for programmers who are already fluent in object oriented programming. This document is a particularly interesting reading if you want to have a general overview of the main features of the language. For further information, a good follow-up is our online.
The manuals above are reference material, and are rather on the technical side. If you need some introductory material instead, the following documents will be quite useful.
These installation and operating instructions describe Grundfos. SCALA domestic water supply pumps. Sections 1-4 give the information necessary yo be able. Thank you for choosing the scala rider G9® Bluetooth® communication and entertainment system for motorcycle helmets. This manual will help you set up, configure and operate the.
A brief introduction to Scala for Java programmers. This document will introduce you to the core features of the language, from the point of view of a Java programmer. Interoperability with Java is also introduced. Learn Scala through a series of examples. An excellent step-by-step introduction to many of the Scala features with the help of simple code examples. If you need a comprehensive and easy to follow manual for the Scala language, the book ' is the canonical reference text; other are also available.
From time to time, Scala users living in different countries take the time to translate some of the manuals above in different languages. Find here their translated versions of the Scala manuals. The Scala Improvement Process is designed to coordinate and document the introduction of new features to the Scala language. You can find more information at the. A concise manual on the usage of the Scaladoc tool can be found on our wiki. This manual covers general usage, from how to use Scaladoc to browse API documentation, to writing documentation with the Scaladoc tool.
Renault Scala User Manual
From the documentation writer's point of view, Scaladoc syntax, tags, and macros are explained. Additionaly, the document contains information about the development of the Scaladoc tool.
GeoMesa Scala Console The GeoMesa tools have a scala-console command that starts a Scala REPL configured for use with GeoMesa. The command will place the GeoMesa classpath and configuration for that distribution on the REPL’s classpath. Additionally it will preload commonly used imports. The command also comes with tooling that will provide the option to download and run the appropriate version Scala if it is not available.
This is a portable install and will not alter the machines current configuration. Loading /tmp/geomesa-fs2.11-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/conf/.scalareplinit. Import
import org.geotools.filter.text.ecql.ECQL import org.opengis.feature.simple. import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.SimpleFeatureTypes import org.locationtech.geomesa.features.ScalaSimpleFeature import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.collection.SelfClosingIterator import scala.collection.JavaConversions. Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0101). Type in expressions for evaluation. Scala Next we get a connection to the FileSystem Datastore.